Greater Kudu, Kalahari Desert, Botswana
Impala. Kalahari Desert, Botswana
Africa, Botswana, Chobe National Park, Close up of crocodile
Hungry leopard, Namibia
A leopard gazes intently from a comfortable perch in a tree in Samburu National Reserve
A herd of elephants with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background
A lioness and cub in Selous Game Reserve
The tiny Sokoke Scops Owl in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest near Malindi. Discovered in 1965, this globally endangered species has a very restricted habitat
A male warthog feeding on grass in the Aberdare National Park
A pride of lions rests near water in the Masai Mara Game Reserve. The nucleus of any pride is a number of closely related females
A cheetah surveys the grassy plains of Masai Mara from a termite mound.; The cheetah is a fast, efficient and frequent killer of gazelles and impala
Red Hartebeest, Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Detail of Burchells Zebra hide, Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Giraffe, Kalahari Desert, Botswana
Dolphin and Flamingos at Walvis Bay, Namibia, Africa
Lilac-breasted Roller, Coracias caudatu, Chobe National Park, near the town of Kasane, Botswana, Southern, Africa
Hippo in Chobe River, Chobe National Park, Botswana, Africa
Fish Eagle, Haliaeetus vociferon, perched over the Chobe River, Chobe National park near town of Kasane, Botswana, Africa
African Darter, Anhinga rufa, Chobe National Park, near the town of Kasane, Botswana, Southern, Africa
Lonely Giraffe with baby in Etosha, Namibia, Africa
A fine leopard in the cedar forests near Maralal
The late afternoon sun breaks through rain clouds in the Masai Mara National Reserve to paint the landscape a hue of brilliant golden-red with a rainbow in the far distance
A Roan antelope in the Lambwe Valley of Ruma National Park, the only place in Kenya where these large, powerful antelopes can be found
A fine Greater Kudu bull standing on a termite mound in the game reserve surrounding Lake Bogoria, an alkaline lake of Africas Great Rift Valley system
Two male lions fight to the death in Masai Mara National Reserve. The lion on the left is already badly injured
Silvery-cheeked Hornbills in the Western Arc of the Usambara Mountains near Lushoto
A female two-horned chameleon in the Amani Nature Reserve, a protected area of 8, 380ha situated in the Eastern Arc of the Usambara Mountains
A small herd of elephants leaves a mud wallow in Ruaha National Park
A Chesnut-bellied Sandgrouse in Tsavo East National Park
A red-headed Weaver building its nest
A Guereza Colobus monkey in the Aberdare Mountains of Central Kenya
An Eastern Double-collared Sunbird
A herd of elephants moves in single file after drinking from a freshwater pool near Lake Ndutu, a seasonal lake that borders the Serengeti National Park
An elephant in the Ruaha National Park of Southern TanzaniaAn elephant looks menacing in front of a baobab tree in the Ruaha National Park of Southern Tanzania.In dry weather, elephants eat the bark and fibrous pith of these trees
Lesser flamingos feed on Lake NatronIn the late afternoon, lesser flamingos feed on Lake Natron with Shompole volcano (situated on the border of Kenya and Tanzania) in the distance at the northern end of the lake
Wildebeest stampede plains of the Ngorongoro HighlandsWildebeest stampede on the dry grassy plains on the west side of the Ngorongoro Highlands
An imature indri (Indri indri) in eastern Madagascar. The Indri are Madagscars largest lemur, standing about a metre high, with a barely visible tail
An indri (Indri indri) in eastern Madagascar. The Indri are Madagscars largest lemur, standing about a metre high, with a barely visible tail
A male crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) near Antsiranana (formerly Diego Suarez). These lemurs are only found in Northern Madagascar
Male crowned lemurs (Eulemur coronatus) near Antsiranana (formerly Diego Suarez)
A brightly coloured chameleon (a female Furcifer oustaleti) in Isalo National Park
A ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) in the Canyon des makis, Isalo National Park
A female cheetah rests in the shade at Kwandwe Private Game Reserve
A female Leopard (Panthera pardus) rests in the shade, lying on the branch of a tree
Female Leopard (Panthera pardus)
South Africa, Sabi Sands Game Reserve. Leopard cub. (Panthera pardus)
A herd of elephants drinking at a waterhole in Tsavo West National Park, Kenya
An all-black melanistic serval cat at 10, 000 feet on the moorlands of the Aberdare Mountains
Two cheetahs sprint after their quarry
Greater flamingos in flight over Lake Turkana
A magnificent Sable antelope bull with females and young in the Shimba Hills National Park. Sable are arguably the most handsome of all Africas antelopes
A bull elephant in Amboseli National Park. Elephants consume the equivalent of about 5% of their body weight (i.e. up to 300kg) in twenty-four hours
Junonia oenone (male)
An oryx beisa in arid thorn scrub country, which is typical of northern Kenya
A Blue monkey. This long-tailed, arboreal monkey is distributed widely in evergreen forested regions up to 10, 000 feet
A group of gerenuk (a name derived from the Somali language meaning giraffe necked ) feed in the Samburu National Reserve of Northern Kenya
A fine bull sable antelope with chesnut-brown females and calves behind him
Two Rothschild giraffes neck in Lake Nakuru National Park
A bat-eared fox at the entrance to its burrow. These long-limbed, large eared foxes feed on termites, beetles and other invertebrates
Two black rhinos on the open plains at Amboseli. Poaching of this severely endangered species led to its extermination in this region in the late 1980 s
A young male lion looks intently at animals grazing on the plains from his commanding position in a tree
A pride of lions moves to shelter from an approaching storm. The nucleus of any pride is a number of closely related females
A lioness drinking from a muddy pool
Red Lechwe rush across a shallow tributary of the Okavango River in the Okavango Delta of northwest Botswana
A small herd of Red Lechwe rushes across a shallow floodplain of the Okavango River in the Okavango Delta of northwest Botswana
A lioness keeps a careful eye on her cub in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve. Moremi incorporates Chiefs Island and was the first reserve in Africa to be created by indigenous Africans
A lioness and her two cubs play on a shaded mound in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve.Moremi incorporates Chiefs Island and was the first reserve in Africa to be created by indigenous Africans
A male and female painted reed frog cling to a reed in one of the myriad waterways of the Okavango delta
Masai Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) - captive, Ontario, Canada
Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonia) - captive, Ontario, Canada
Boomslang (Dispholidus typus) - captive, Ontario, Canada
Lion (Panthera leo) - captive bred, Ontario, Canada
Green Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) - captive, Ontario, Canada
Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) - captive, Ontario, Canada
Running Oryx, Namibia, Africa
Desert landscape, Wolwedans, NamibRand Nature Reserve, Namibia, Africa
Mother & baby giraffe, Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch, Namibia, Africa
A herd of running Oryx, Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch, Namibia, Africa
A female Leopard, carrying its prey, Okonjima, Nature Reserve, Namibia, Africa
Cheetah, Okonjima Nature Reserve, Namibia, Africa
White rhinoceros, Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch, Namibia, Africa