During a Ngetunogh ceremony, the mothers of Pokot initiates sing and dance holding high the cowhorn containers they used to smear fat over the masks of their sons as a blessing
Towards the conclusion of a Ngetunogh ceremony, an initiate must put on his mothers jewellery for a day before removing the wild sisal face mask he has worn for 2-3 months
During a Ngetunogh ceremony, the mother of a Pokot initiate sings and dances holding high the cowhorn container she used to smear fat over the masks of her son and other boys as a blessing
At the start of a Ngetunogh ceremony, the mothers of Pokot initiates will smear animal fat on the boys masks as a blessing
After 2-3 months seclusion, Pokot initiates leave their camp in single file to celebrate Ngetunogh
For two to three months after their circumcision, Pokot boys sing and dance in a special seclusion camp while undergoing instruction from tribal elders