An old Himba woman, upright despite her years, rides her donkey through harsh land where mid-day temperatures rise to 400C. Her body gleams from a mixture of red ochre, butterfat and herbs
A Samburu warrior resplendent with long, braided, Ochred hair. The round ear ornaments of the warriors are fashioned from ivory
A young Dassanech boy silhouetted against the evening sky at his settlement alongside the Omo River
Myanmar, Burma, Naga Hills. A Tangkhul Naga in his ceremonial finery celebrating the Naga New Year Festival (Kaing Bi) in Leshi village
Myanmar, Burma, Kekku. Palaung tribal lady on pilgrimage from her village, attending the Full Moon festival at Kekku
Myanmar, Burma, Kengtung. An Akha woman wearing a traditional headdress of silver and beads
A Naxi Dongba, or wise man and essentially a shaman, traditionally acted as a mediator with the spirit world. The Dongba religion is itself an off-shoot of Tibets pre-Buddhist Bon religion
A Himba youth with his hair styled in a long plait, known as ondatu. Once married, he will split the ondatu into two plaits and keep them covered
Two happy Himba girls ride a donkey to market. Their bodies gleam from a mixture of red ochre, butterfat and herbs
A Himba woman milks a cow in the stock enclosure close to her home. Traditional milk containers made from hollowed wood are preferred to their modern equivalents
Himba women perform the otjiunda dance, stamping their feet, clapping and chanting while one of them gyrates in the centre of the circle
A young Samburu boy sucks marrow straight from the leg bone of a cow. Marrow is a much sought-after delicacy
Kenya, South Horr, Kurungu. A Samburu youth after his circumcision
Up to a year before his circumcision, a Samburu boy will style his hair in a distinctive pudding bowl shape and often rub charcoal and fat into it
A Msai warrior, his face and body decorated with red ochre and clay, wears an ostrich feather headdress
The traditional weaponry of the Turkana warriors consisted of a long-shafted spear with a narrow blade, a small rectangular shield made of giraffe or buffalo hide
A Turkana man with a fine clay hairstyle, so typical of the southern Turkana. The black ostrich feather pompoms denote that the man belongs to the ng imor (black) moiety of his tribe
Turkana elders wear decorative ivory lip ornaments, secured in position by a spigot which is inserted in a hole pierced below the mans lower lip after initiation
A Samburu boy in reflective mood after his circumcision
In the early morning, a Dassanech man puts on his serval cat skin cape and ostrich-feather headdress to participate in his Dimi ceremony, an important initiation ceremony
A Borana man at Mega in southern Ethiopia wears a phallic Kallaacha on his forehead
A Dassanech man in full tribal regalia participates in a dance during a month-long ceremony. He wears a cheetah skin draped on his backs and a black ostrich-feather headdress
During a dance, Muslim girls from the Sultanate of Tadjoura, dress up in all their finery and display the curved daggers of their men
An Herero woman in traditional attire
A smartly dressed Herero woman has a beaded AIDS badge pinned to her chest
A smartly dressed Herero woman waits for a bus
To the excited shouts and stick waving of their camel handlers, jockeys and camels take off at the start of a race at Al Shaqiyah camel race track
A racing camel waits its turn at Al Shariq race track on the fringe of the Wahiba Sands
Portrait of Ati-atihan festival participant, Kalibo, Aklan, Western Visayas, Philippines
Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A Samburu warrior sings and claps during a dance
A nomad sits in the desert and talks on his mobile phone. It should be noted that it is not always possible to recieve a signal
Mauritania, Brakna, Desert Guide
Meharistes, Soldiers Of The Desert, annual camel race. A Mehariste on his camel ready for the the start of the race.All the jockeys are in traditional costume especially for the occasion
Mauritania, Tagant, Mauritanian guide in the desert
Venice Carnival People in Costumes and Masks outside St Marks Cathedral. Italy Veneto Venice Venice Carnival People in Costumes and Masks St Marks Cathedral
Carnival People in Costumes and Masks. Italy Veneto Venice Venice Carnival People in Costumes and Masks
Carnival Joker Costumes and Mask. Italy Veneto Venice Venice Carnival Joker Costumes and Mask
Te Kamei Tewai dancers
Rapanui man and woman, Singa Miguel Angel and Uri Francesca Avaka, in traditional costume at Te Pahu caves
A group of island men with their sepik flutes, the longest flutes in the world. These traditional instruments are only played by men and are played at initiation ceremonies
Sikh pilgrims by Amrit Sarovar, the Pool of Immortality-Giving Nectar, and the Golden Temple. India, Punjab, Amritsar
A Sikh pilgrim pauses for reflection by Amrit Sarovar, the Pool of Immortality-Giving Nectar, and the Golden Temple. India, Punjab, Amritsar
China, Shandong Province, Qufu City. International Confucius Cultural Festival
A Himba woman in traditional attire. Her body gleams from a mixture of red ochre, butterfat and herbs
A Himba mother and baby son relax outside their dome-shaped home. Their bodies gleam from a mixture of red ochre, butterfat and herbs
Gabbra women sing and dance to celebrate a wedding. The traditional metal ornamentation on their heads is called malmal
A Samburu warrior has his Ochred hair braided by a friend. A mixture of cows urine and ashes is often rubbed into the hair first to help straighten it
A young Samburu man leads a donkey carrying the basic structure of a temporary home
Women watch from the side as warriors sing and dance at a Laikipiak Msai marriage near Sabuk
Elaborate headdress and body adornments worn by Samburu moran (warrior)
Mobile safari in Kenya with Samburu moran warriors as game spotters
An Ethiopian man wears a headdress made from the skin of a gelada, a unique baboon-like primate that lives at high altitudes in northern Ethiopia
A man winnows Teff, a small-grained cereal, with a wooden hayfork.; Teff is grown extensively in Ethiopia and is used to make injera, a fermented, bread-type pancake
An attractive woman at Bati market. Situated on top of the western scarp of the Abyssinian Rift, Bati is the largest open-air market in Ethiopia
A N!!S hunter-gatherer. The N!!S are a part of the San people, often referred to as Bushmen
Jockeys and camels line up at the start of a race at Al Shaqiyah camel race track
Arab camel handlers lead camels and jockeys into line ready for the start of a race at Al Shaqiyah camel race track
Jockeys wait in line on their mounts ready to be lead down to the start line at Al Shaqiyah camel race track. Jockeys can be as young as 4 years old
A bystander watches the proceedings at the start of a camel race from the back of his pick-up truck at Al Shariq race track on the fringe of the Wahiba Sands
The guardian of one of the famed desert castles
Zulu warrior in traditional dress with fighting spear