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Kenyan Collection

Background imageKenyan Collection: A family of White Rhinos, the female with a massive horn. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya

A family of White Rhinos, the female with a massive horn. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A star bed laid out on the roof terrace of Ol Malo House

Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A star bed laid out on the roof terrace of Ol Malo House, one of Kenyas private Bush Homes. (MR)

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Masai Mara. Masai giraffe

Kenya, Masai Mara. Masai giraffe

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, A fine elephant the Aberdare National Park

Kenya, A fine elephant the Aberdare National Park

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A Samburu warriors hair is ochred and tied up in braids at a dance at a

Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A Samburu warriors hair is ochred and tied up in braids at a dance at a local manyatta

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A Samburu boy and girl hold hands at a dance in their local manyatta

Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A Samburu boy and girl hold hands at a dance in their local manyatta

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya. Mashua sailing boats participating in a race off Lamu Island

Kenya. Mashua sailing boats participating in a race off Lamu Island

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya. The Riyadha Mosque at dusk

Kenya. The Riyadha Mosque at dusk. The gathering point for Maulidi, the celebration of Prophet Mohammeds birthday

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Taveta, Lake Jipe

Kenya, Taveta, Lake Jipe. A fisherman paddles his dugout canoe across Lake Jipe with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Kajiado, Amboseli

Kenya, Kajiado, Amboseli. A Bateleur eagle

Background imageKenyan Collection: Africa, Kenya, Kajiado District, Ol doinyo Orok

Africa, Kenya, Kajiado District, Ol doinyo Orok. Three Msai warriors with long ochred hair wearing the traditional beaded belts of warriors

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Masai Mara, Masai Mara Game Reserve

Kenya, Masai Mara, Masai Mara Game Reserve. Two hot air balloons float over the plains in Masai Mara Game Reserve while herds of wildebeest graze below. Kenya, Masai Mara, Masai Mara Game Reserve

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Amboseli, Amboseli National Park

Kenya, Amboseli, Amboseli National Park. Majestic Mount Kilimanjaro towering above large acacia trees (Acacia tortilis) in Amboseli National Park. Kenya, Amboseli, Amboseli National Park

Background imageKenyan Collection: An Mtaita musician

An Mtaita musician. His glasses are made from the tips of calabashes. His ear ornaments are also made of calabashes or gourds

Background imageKenyan Collection: A magnificent view from the eastern scarp of Africa s

A magnificent view from the eastern scarp of Africa s
A magnificent view from the eastern scarp of Africas Great Rift Valley at Losiolo, north of Maralal

Background imageKenyan Collection: A Swahili man in traditional attire blows the Siwa

A Swahili man in traditional attire blows the Siwa on the battlements of the Lamu Museum

Background imageKenyan Collection: A herd of Masai giraffes at sunset in the Masai Mara National Reserve

A herd of Masai giraffes at sunset in the Masai Mara National Reserve

Background imageKenyan Collection: A pride of lions rests near water in the Masai Mara Game Reserve

A pride of lions rests near water in the Masai Mara Game Reserve. The nucleus of any pride is a number of closely related females

Background imageKenyan Collection: A fine maned lion

A fine maned lion. Adult male lions weigh up to 500lb. They begin to grow manes at the age of eighteen months, which will not fully develop until the age of five or six

Background imageKenyan Collection: A cheetah surveys the grassy plains of Masai Mara from

A cheetah surveys the grassy plains of Masai Mara from a termite mound.; The cheetah is a fast, efficient and frequent killer of gazelles and impala

Background imageKenyan Collection: A Msai Warrior watches a hot air balloon float over the Mara plains

A Msai Warrior watches a hot air balloon float over the Mara plains

Background imageKenyan Collection: Two Msai warriors watch a hot air balloon flight over Masai Mara

Two Msai warriors watch a hot air balloon flight over Masai Mara

Background imageKenyan Collection: Framed by an Acacia tortilis

Framed by an Acacia tortilis, Mount Kilimanjaro is Africas highest snow-capped mountain at 19, 340 feet above sea level

Background imageKenyan Collection: A Samburu warrior resplendent with long, braided, Ochred hair

A Samburu warrior resplendent with long, braided, Ochred hair. The round ear ornaments of the warriors are fashioned from ivory

Background imageKenyan Collection: On a clear morning

On a clear morning, a Samburu warrior looks out over miles of unspoilt semi-arid country to Mount Kenya, 70 miles distant as the crow flies

Background imageKenyan Collection: A Samburu warrior looks out across the eastern scarp

A Samburu warrior looks out across the eastern scarp of Africas Great Rift Valley at Poro, Northern Kenya where the land drop precipitously 3, 000 feet

Background imageKenyan Collection: Msai moran (warrior) framed by an acacia tortilis tree with Mt

Msai moran (warrior) framed by an acacia tortilis tree with Mt. Kenya, 17, 050 ft behind, Lewa Downs, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Dawn in the Mara, a time to stop and drink colour while on safari

Dawn in the Mara, a time to stop and drink colour while on safari

Background imageKenyan Collection: Service in the bush - kerosene lanterns light the pathway

Service in the bush - kerosene lanterns light the pathway to your tent on a Cheli & Peacock mobile safari

Background imageKenyan Collection: Msai people in front of their home, Kajiado County, Kenya

Msai people in front of their home, Kajiado County, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Ostrich, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya

Ostrich, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Zebras, Msai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya

Zebras, Msai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Two Msai giraffes shade themselves beneath a Balanites tree on the plains of the Masai Mara National

Two Msai giraffes shade themselves beneath a Balanites tree on the plains of the Masai Mara National Reserve

Background imageKenyan Collection: A diminutive Kirks dikdik in Kenyas Tsavo West National Park

A diminutive Kirks dikdik in Kenyas Tsavo West National Park

Background imageKenyan Collection: A white rhino with a very long horn. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya

A white rhino with a very long horn. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: An alert black rhino. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya

An alert black rhino. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Laikipia, Lewa Downs. Will Craig flies his 1930s style Waco Classic open cockpit bi-plane for ultimate

Kenya, Laikipia, Lewa Downs. Will Craig flies his 1930s style Waco Classic open cockpit bi-plane for ultimate aerial safaris

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Masai Mara. Safari guide, Salsh Ole Morompi, one of the guides at Rekero Camp

Kenya, Masai Mara. Safari guide, Salsh Ole Morompi, one of the guides at Rekero Camp. (MR)

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, A fine female leopard the Aberdare National Park

Kenya, A fine female leopard the Aberdare National Park

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, A female black rhino surrounded by a swarm of flies in the Aberdare National Park

Kenya, A female black rhino surrounded by a swarm of flies in the Aberdare National Park

Background imageKenyan Collection: Two Samburu warrior of Northern Kenya in all their finery

Two Samburu warrior of Northern Kenya in all their finery. The ostrich pompom on the spear was formerly a sign of peace

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A visitor holds up a chameleon during a game walk at Ol Malo

Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A visitor holds up a chameleon during a game walk at Ol Malo. (MR)

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya. The Swahili elite, Wangwana

Kenya. The Swahili elite, Wangwana, perform the traditional stick dance during Maulidi, celebration of Prophet Mohammeds birthday

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Kiambu, Kikuyu

Kenya, Kiambu, Kikuyu. One of the stained glass windows in the Church of the Torch near Kikuyu depicts Jesus and his flock of Kikuyu women and children in traditional attire

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Central Province, Gatamaiyu Forest

Kenya, Central Province, Gatamaiyu Forest. A tree fern in the indigenous Gatamaiyu Forest at the southern end of the Aberdare Mountains

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Tsavo East, Ithumba

Kenya, Tsavo East, Ithumba. Young elephants walk in line through the dry bush country at Ithumba where the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust runs a very important unit for orphans

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok District

Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok District

Background imageKenyan Collection: Africa, Kenya, Kajiado District, Ol doinyo Orok

Africa, Kenya, Kajiado District, Ol doinyo Orok. A large gathering of Msai warriors during an Eunoto ceremony when the warriors become junior elders and thenceforth are permitted to marry

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Kabarnet, Lake Bogoria

Kenya, Kabarnet, Lake Bogoria

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Tsavo West National Park

Kenya, Tsavo West National Park. A herd of elephants (Loxodonta africana) leaves Lake Jipe with the Pare Mountains dominating the landscape

Background imageKenyan Collection: Kenya, Rift Valley Province, Kapsabet

Kenya, Rift Valley Province, Kapsabet. A Nandi laibon, or soothsayer, wearing a traditional monkey skin cape

Background imageKenyan Collection: Bird book, binoculars and safari hat

Bird book, binoculars and safari hat

Background imageKenyan Collection: A family of three young cheetahs stand on a termite

A family of three young cheetahs stand on a termite mound to seek their quarry of small antelopes grazing on the plains of Masai Mara Game Reserve

Background imageKenyan Collection: A herd of elephants drinking at a waterhole in Tsavo West National Park, Kenya

A herd of elephants drinking at a waterhole in Tsavo West National Park, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: The bar and living area of Elsas Kopje in Meru National Park

The bar and living area of Elsas Kopje in Meru National Park, Meru, Kenya The bar and living area of Elsas Kopje in Meru National Park, Meru, Kenya

Background imageKenyan Collection: Luo fishing boats leave the eastern lakeshore of Lake

Luo fishing boats leave the eastern lakeshore of Lake Victoria in the early morning to fish for tilapia and nile perch

Background imageKenyan Collection: A hot air balloon floating over herds of wildebeest

A hot air balloon floating over herds of wildebeest and zebra in the Masai Mara Game Reserve

Background imageKenyan Collection: Dhows sailing off Lamu Island

Dhows sailing off Lamu Island

Background imageKenyan Collection: Mohamed Thuruani

Mohamed Thuruani, a skilled craftsman of 17 years standing in Lamu, sits outside his home while putting the finishing touches to a model dhow

Background imageKenyan Collection: Siyu Fort. The Sultan of Zanzibar in the middle of

Siyu Fort. The Sultan of Zanzibar in the middle of the 19th century built this impressive fort at the end of the mangrove-lined tidal channel leading to Siyu village on Pate Island

Background imageKenyan Collection: A fisherman repairs the sail of his wooden sailing boat

A fisherman repairs the sail of his wooden sailing boat, known as mashua, along the waterfront of Kisingitini, a natural harbour on Pate Island

Background imageKenyan Collection: An old Turkana woman wearing all the finery of her tribe

An old Turkana woman wearing all the finery of her tribe. In a hole pierced below her lower lip, she wears an ornament beautifully made from twisted strands of copper wire

Background imageKenyan Collection: A series of lava rock pools are situated just off the

A series of lava rock pools are situated just off the southern end of Lake Turkana, northern Kenyas Jade Sea

Background imageKenyan Collection: From the air

From the air, a pink band of Lesser flamingos hugs the barren shoreline of this intensely alkaline Rift Valley lake

Background imageKenyan Collection: The Uaso Nyiru delta from the air

The Uaso Nyiru delta from the air

Background imageKenyan Collection: A cheetah surveys the countryside for a quarry from the top of an earth mound

A cheetah surveys the countryside for a quarry from the top of an earth mound

Background imageKenyan Collection: A hot air balloon takes off in Masai Mara Game Reserve

A hot air balloon takes off in Masai Mara Game Reserve as the sun rises over distant hills

Background imageKenyan Collection: Early morning ground mist surrounds Fischers Tower

Early morning ground mist surrounds Fischers Tower, an ancient volcanic plug, in a region of Kenya where the latent signs of volcanic activity are still evident

Background imageKenyan Collection: A tree senecio or giant groundsel flourishes in snow

A tree senecio or giant groundsel flourishes in snow on the upper slopes of Mount Kenya (17, 058 feet). These plants flower about every ten years

Background imageKenyan Collection: As a part of Maulidi

As a part of Maulidi, Lamu Islands celebrations to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed, a keenly-fought boat race is held

Background imageKenyan Collection: The eyes of a Lamu woman wearing a traditional black

The eyes of a Lamu woman wearing a traditional black Islamic dress and face veil (known locally as buibui). Situated 150 miles north-northeast of Mombasa, Lamu town dates from the 15th century AD

Background imageKenyan Collection: Abdul Malik Bilali recites the Holy Koran in his beautiful

Abdul Malik Bilali recites the Holy Koran in his beautiful stone-built house in Lamus old town. The house has fine example of decorative Lamu plasterwork gracing the interior walls

Background imageKenyan Collection: A fine example of the interior of a traditional Swahili

A fine example of the interior of a traditional Swahili house in Lamu Town. The extraordinary skill of the local craftsmen is an important legacy of Afro-Arab architecture in the Swahili style

Background imageKenyan Collection: A fine example of decorative Lamu plasterwork gracing

A fine example of decorative Lamu plasterwork gracing the interior wall of an old stone house

Background imageKenyan Collection: A group of Swahili women clad in black to signify their

A group of Swahili women clad in black to signify their Islamic culture pause to chat outside an old mosque along the waterfront of Lamu Island

Background imageKenyan Collection: An old Kikuyu lady picks coffee Taken in the 1960 s

An old Kikuyu lady picks coffee Taken in the 1960 s, this photograph depicts a traditional form of dress and ear ornaments among Kikuyu women, which has completely disappeared

Background imageKenyan Collection: An all-black melanistic serval cat at 10

An all-black melanistic serval cat at 10, 000 feet on the moorlands of the Aberdare Mountains

Background imageKenyan Collection: Two cheetahs sprint after their quarry

Two cheetahs sprint after their quarry

Background imageKenyan Collection: Vultures roost in an acacia tree shortly before dusk

Vultures roost in an acacia tree shortly before dusk

Background imageKenyan Collection: Greater flamingos in flight over Lake Turkana

Greater flamingos in flight over Lake Turkana

Background imageKenyan Collection: The alkaline waters of Lake Bogoria are a favourite

The alkaline waters of Lake Bogoria are a favourite haunt of lesser flamingos. The barren shoreline is dotted with steam jets and geysers reflecting its volcanic origins

Background imageKenyan Collection: A magnificent Sable antelope bull with females and

A magnificent Sable antelope bull with females and young in the Shimba Hills National Park. Sable are arguably the most handsome of all Africas antelopes

Background imageKenyan Collection: A bull elephant in Amboseli National Park

A bull elephant in Amboseli National Park. Elephants consume the equivalent of about 5% of their body weight (i.e. up to 300kg) in twenty-four hours

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