A Hamar woman blows a tin trumpet at a Jumping of the Bull ceremony
A Hamar mother and child moving home
A Hamar woman is left with bloody wheals
During a Jumping of the Bull ceremony.; The semi-nomadic Hamar of Southwest Ethiopia embrace an age-grade system that includes several rites of passage for young men
Two pretty Karo girls in traditional attire. Most girls pierce a hole below the lower lip in which they place a thin piece of metal or a nail for decoration
A Mursi woman wearing a large clay lip plate. Shortly before marriage, a girls lower lip will be pierced and progressively stretched over a year or so
A Karo man with braided hair plays a traditional stringed instrument beside the Omo River near Duss
The contrasting leather aprons or skirts of two Nyag atom girls
Hamar women dance, sing and blow small tin trumpets during a Jumping of the Bull ceremony