A leopard gazes intently from a comfortable perch in a tree in Samburu National Reserve
A family of White Rhinos, the female with a massive horn. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya
A herd of elephants with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background
A lioness and cub in Selous Game Reserve
The tiny Sokoke Scops Owl in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest near Malindi. Discovered in 1965, this globally endangered species has a very restricted habitat
A male warthog feeding on grass in the Aberdare National Park
Kenya, Masai Mara. Masai giraffe
A male white rhino with fine horns looks towards a grassland pipit as it strides across an open plain
Loxodonta africana (Elephant), Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania
Quivertrees in a forest, close to the Southern Kalahari
Kenya, Kajiado, Amboseli. A Bateleur eagle
Kenya, Masai Mara, Masai Mara Game Reserve. Two hot air balloons float over the plains in Masai Mara Game Reserve while herds of wildebeest graze below. Kenya, Masai Mara, Masai Mara Game Reserve
A herd of Masai giraffes at sunset in the Masai Mara National Reserve
A pride of lions rests near water in the Masai Mara Game Reserve. The nucleus of any pride is a number of closely related females
A fine maned lion. Adult male lions weigh up to 500lb. They begin to grow manes at the age of eighteen months, which will not fully develop until the age of five or six
A cheetah surveys the grassy plains of Masai Mara from a termite mound.; The cheetah is a fast, efficient and frequent killer of gazelles and impala
A fine leopard in the cedar forests near Maralal
Two Msai giraffes shade themselves beneath a Balanites tree on the plains of the Masai Mara National Reserve
The late afternoon sun breaks through rain clouds in the Masai Mara National Reserve to paint the landscape a hue of brilliant golden-red with a rainbow in the far distance
A Roan antelope in the Lambwe Valley of Ruma National Park, the only place in Kenya where these large, powerful antelopes can be found
A diminutive Kirks dikdik in Kenyas Tsavo West National Park
A white rhino with a very long horn. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya
Namibia, Etosha. Plains zebra standing quietly on a pan in Etosha National Park
Two male Msai ostriches in breeding plumage in Kenyas Tsavo West National Park
A fine Greater Kudu bull standing on a termite mound in the game reserve surrounding Lake Bogoria, an alkaline lake of Africas Great Rift Valley system
An alert black rhino. Mweiga, Solio, Kenya
Two male lions fight to the death in Masai Mara National Reserve. The lion on the left is already badly injured
Tanzania, Serengeti. Portraits of the shy Dik-dik
Tanzania, Ngorongoro. A mature male Grants Gazelle
Thailand, Nakhon Ratchasima, Khao Yai. White-lipped viper in the Khao Yai National Park
Silvery-cheeked Hornbills in the Western Arc of the Usambara Mountains near Lushoto
A female two-horned chameleon in the Amani Nature Reserve, a protected area of 8, 380ha situated in the Eastern Arc of the Usambara Mountains
A small herd of elephants leaves a mud wallow in Ruaha National Park
Tanzania, Serengeti. A Gnu leaps through the grass
A Chesnut-bellied Sandgrouse in Tsavo East National Park
A red-headed Weaver building its nest
A Guereza Colobus monkey in the Aberdare Mountains of Central Kenya
An Eastern Double-collared Sunbird
Malawi, Majete Wildlife Reserve. Male waterbuck in the brachystegia woodland
Peru, A magnificent Andean Condor above the Colca Canyon. At 3, 191 metres, this canyon is the second deepest in the world
Peru. A green parrot of the genus Amazona
Peru. Colourful Scarlet macaws perch high above the canopy of the forest near the banks of the Madre de Dios River
Galapagos Islands, A giant tortoise after which the Galapagos islands were named
Galapagos Islands, A land iguana on South Plaza island
England, Cornwall, Tamar Otter & Wildlife Centre. Asian short-clawed otter begging for food
Kenya, Laikipia, Ol Malo. A visitor holds up a chameleon during a game walk at Ol Malo. (MR)
A herd of Reticulated giraffes with common zebra in the background
USA, Utah, Zion National Park, The Great White Throne
An elephant displays aggression on the banks of the Katuma RiverTanzania, Katavi National Park. An elephant displays aggression on the banks of the Katuma River
A hippo prepares to charge out of its mud wallow in the Katuma RiverTanzania, Katavi National Park. A hippo prepares to charge out of its mud wallow in the Katuma River
A herd of elephants moves in single file after drinking from a freshwater pool near Lake Ndutu, a seasonal lake that borders the Serengeti National Park
An elephant in the Ruaha National Park of Southern TanzaniaAn elephant looks menacing in front of a baobab tree in the Ruaha National Park of Southern Tanzania.In dry weather, elephants eat the bark and fibrous pith of these trees
Chimpanzee, Mahale MountainsThe remote Mahale Mountains, located on a bulge along the eastern shores of Lake Tanganyika, rise spectacularly 8, 069 feet
Lesser flamingos feed on Lake NatronIn the late afternoon, lesser flamingos feed on Lake Natron with Shompole volcano (situated on the border of Kenya and Tanzania) in the distance at the northern end of the lake
Wildebeest stampede plains of the Ngorongoro HighlandsWildebeest stampede on the dry grassy plains on the west side of the Ngorongoro Highlands
Plants and vegetation of the Crocker Range rainforest in Sabah, Borneo
A thorn spider - one of the many endemic species or sub-species of Madagascar
An imature indri (Indri indri) in eastern Madagascar. The Indri are Madagscars largest lemur, standing about a metre high, with a barely visible tail
An indri (Indri indri) in eastern Madagascar. The Indri are Madagscars largest lemur, standing about a metre high, with a barely visible tail
Male crowned lemurs (Eulemur coronatus) near Antsiranana (formerly Diego Suarez)
A brightly coloured chameleon (a female Furcifer oustaleti) in Isalo National Park
A ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) in the Canyon des makis, Isalo National Park
Honduras, Copan, Macaw Mountain Bird Park. Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus), also known as Sulfur-breasted Toucan, Rainbow-billed Toucan
Australia, Northern Territory. Red-tailed Cockatoos at Alice Springs Desert Park
Black Howler Monkey climbing a tree on the working ranch and wilderness lodge of Pousada Xaraes in the UNESCO Pantanal wetlands of Brazil Black Howler Monkey on a tree on the working ranch
A striking cactus in the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve - local legend says that cacti with arms are female and those with a single trunk are male
Antarctica, Weddell Sea, Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf. Emperor penguins & chick (Aptenodytes forsteri). Antarctica, Weddell Sea, Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf. Emperor penguins & chick (Aptenodytes forsteri)
Antarctic, Antarctic Peninsula, Hope Bay. Wilsons Storm Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) seems to walk across the surface of the water as it searches for its favourite food - plankton
A female Leopard (Panthera pardus) rests in the shade, lying on the branch of a tree
Female Leopard (Panthera pardus)
South Africa, Sabi Sands Game Reserve. Leopard cub. (Panthera pardus)
This parrot is known as the Papa Gaio do Principe. It is an African Grey. Sao Tome and Principe is Africas second smallest country with a population of 193 000
Namibia, Erongo Region, Damarland. A Cheetah ( Acinonyx jubatus)
A Giraffe with a bone in its mouth on the edge of the Etosha Pan. This behaviour is not unusual in Etosha
Four blue cranes (Anthropoides paradisea) cross a flooded pan on the edge of the Etosha National Park. They are only found in South Africa and Namibia
A colourful roadside tourist sign just outside Windhoek on the way to Windhoeks international airport
The large communal nest of sociable weavers (Philetairus socius) in dry country near Sesriem
The Grootboom baobab tree in Bushman country near Tsumkwe. This ancient tree has a circumference of over 30 metres and will be more than one thousand years old
Pale Chanting Goshawk juvenile, Africat Foundation
Kenya, Tsavo East, Ithumba. Young elephants walk in line through the dry bush country at Ithumba where the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust runs a very important unit for orphans
Kenya, Masai Mara, Narok District
Kenya, Tsavo West National Park. A herd of elephants (Loxodonta africana) leaves Lake Jipe with the Pare Mountains dominating the landscape
A family of three young cheetahs stand on a termite mound to seek their quarry of small antelopes grazing on the plains of Masai Mara Game Reserve
A herd of elephants drinking at a waterhole in Tsavo West National Park, Kenya